Category Archives: blog post

Welcome to Airfenella

Airfenella Systems is a registered Limited Company which has been established for more than 5 years. When set up by founder  sought to serve the transport needs of people with all ranges within the London Boroughs. Following many years of providing reliable and dedicated services, Airfenella has expanded its operational remit to provide a wider range of services to meet the mobility needs of our diverse membership, which includes both individuals and groups.
Our Vision is to offer a “Safe, Reliable and Affordable” transport service, which provides those in need with the access to their community and to services that they require. We aim to work together with our membership and partners, in the development of the local community transport infrastructure.
Our Values
Quality of Life Provide services that improve and enhance our member’s quality of life
Social Inclusion Promote social inclusion through development of services that will combat social isolation within the communities we serve.
Equality Empowering and promoting equality by providing appropriate transport choices
Development Listen to and work with our members and partners to improve and develop our organisation and the services we provide
Dedication To work for the benefit of others and provide an ongoing and sustainable resource for the people of the London Boroughs and its environs.

Our Organisation
 is committed to provide Safe, Reliable and Affordable services to our all range of clients through highly motivated and professional staff  with an embeded culture where Customer comes first.
Our Staff deliver our services and we have number of  full time and several part time members of staff.  These include office staff, school bus and general drivers.